Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Master of Suspense~Alfred Hitchcock

Master of Suspense ~ Alfred Hitchcock written by Theresa C. Newbill

He heard melodies die in broken silenceamong the hermitage of missed morningprayers and breakfast; not quite the DonJuan of his youth, obesity hitting its mark,making its way into intelligent conversationsof one, amidst admiring glances in a mirror.

"We have an appointment this good evening",his voice deliberately misleading and even alittle dangerous, anticipating what wouldoccur at dinner if he decided not to alterthe perks of his external behavior but instead,enjoy them, using them to feed his ego.

Making peace with the realization that thisnew found relationship was emotionally charged,he set forth the transition from great thinker togreat writer knowing very well he had a full-fledgedproblem on his hands, one with a lot of expectationsthat would eventually evolve into swirling

movements of intimacy with a whole newaudience. This dance of sequences would revealvarious stages of intimate relationships, theconnections forged between all participants,hot, frenetic, exhausting, humorous; the lastdip, horrific, savored in a pas de deux,

relished and choreographed between theacceptable and unacceptable, appropriateand inappropriate wrought on by the complexityand heartache of human nature. The episodes,easier to negotiate on film, the dance, moreatmospheric.

To pretend had preceding pages, immersion indiversity, temptation to run half-hazardly mad…“And now if we take it a little…bit…slower,between breaths…” the balance becoming aprecursor to the uncustomary offering of fear, withno hint of concession.

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